Are you moving to other country and taking the whole family? We take care of everything, including your pet’s trip.

In addition to helping you throughout the process, from documentation, boarding/shipment, to transporting your pet, we offer all the safety and comfort for your pet, so that you have all the tranquility you deserve during your trip.


    Our specialist and passionate-about-pets team

    Always looking to improve your experience, we specialized even more in the transportation of Pets and now we centralized 100% of this sector in our operation.
    We invested in resources and recruited a dedicated team of people who are SPECIALISTS and PASSIONATE about pets. With more than 8 years of experience in this market, we are recognized by major travel agencies and also by the airlines themselves due to our commitment and responsibility to the “furry ones”.
    We are experts in logistics solutions for live animals and we help you with all the details:




    Transport Box



    It is a pleasure for us to help hundreds of families by transporting and accompanying their pets to anywhere in the world.

    I need to transport my pet to other country.
    Where do i start?

    Start by planning. To ensure that your pet’s international trip goes smoothly, without any trouble, preparation is essential. It is important to know the prerequisites of the country of destination, choose the airline, find out which transportion box is right – that meets the required standards, and know what documentation is needed.

    As it involves laws and legal processes, these items may seem complex and even generate insecurity. Therefore, from that moment on, you can already benefit from the experience of our specialists. They are duly trained and are available to respond promptly and simplify everything for you: from quick questions, a complete consultancy, to carrying out the necessary procedures. Rely on us to accompany you from door to door on this journey, always aiming at the well-being, comfort and safety of your pet.

    Know our differentials

    • We consider honor and respect for what we do to be our biggest differential.
      Our team, in addition to being qualified and technically prepared to meet all the needs involved in moving your pet, has passion and sparkle in their eyes. Each person on the team has an affective history with animals, LOVES and HONORS what they do. Here your pet receive all our care and reception.
    • Planning the best trip for your pet.
    • 360º attention: attention to the needs of the family, without neglecting the individualized look at each member of the family.
    • Prioritizing the comfort and safety of your animal.
    • We seek to be transparent, informing you of all possible costs involved, so that you plan ahead and you are not caught by surprise.
    • Providing a high standard of quality service, always seeking the best experience for our customers: both for two-legged and four-legged.

    Get to know our services


    We provide all the necessary documentation required according to the determinations of each country of destination. We have a team of veterinarians and dispatchers prepared to carry out the entire legal procedure, step by step, so that there are no inspection problems with customs, from the shipping moment  to the arrival at the final destination.

    We also offer full support for the topics below:

    • Vaccines
    • Microchip Implementation
    • Serological report / Serology
    • Preparations for the quarantine (required according to the country of destination)
    • Import permit issuance (for destinations that make this requirement)

    We provide all the veterinary services necessary to meet the requirements of your destination, through partnerships with several clinics and professionals. Microchip, vaccination, serology, certificate issuance, in addition to solving any doubts during the process.

    Our team can also help you choose the correct transportation box, considering the rules of the destination, of the airline and the characteristics of the species and breed. Rely on our experience and don’t take the risk of having your pet prevented from boarding on the day of the trip.


    We quicken all the necessary documents and emit authorization and certification for the international shipment of the animal, whether your pet is with or without a family companion. Our department is specialized in shipping pets, which allows us to take them anywhere in the world, meeting all requirements in advance.

    Our team can also guide you in choosing the correct transportion box, taking into account the rules of the destination, the airline and the characteristics of your pet’s species and breed. Rely on our experience to ensure that everything goes smoothly, with no surprises on the day of trip.


    For shipments out of Brazil that have São Paulo as a connection or transfer, we have a partnership and accreditation with pet hotels and we offer accommodation service for your pet to provide greater comfort and rest for him during the trip. When the pet is out of the country and it needs to come to Brazil, we also offer accommodation in case it arrives in São Paulo and the final destination is another state. In this case, we are responsible for the reception of your pet at the airport, for the transfer to rest in a pet hotel, for the care and sequence of the trip. Oh, and if you need your pet to stay with us for a few days to complete the preparation of the documents, it will be a pleasure! We’ll take great care of it and send you photos and videos daily so you can follow along.


    We are an IATA Agent and we work with all existing airlines. We transport pets from one airport to another, wherever the destination is. Once the authorization documents are issued by intervening departments, we take the pet to the cargo terminal, which will have someone responsible for it until the airline completes the boarding. This entire process is tracked by our system in real time. We accompany and inform the owner of the animal step by step of everything that happens, until the arrival at the destination.


    Our work is carried out in stages and we usually only serve until the international arrival at the destination airport, delivering the animals to their owners, so that they can get the entrance clearance for the new country. However, there are some countries – Brazil itself;  which does not allow for customs clearance to be carried out by an individual, thus requiring the presence of a dispatcher. We are prepared to handle these cases, wherever it may be, as we have a global team working in several airports around the world.

    Get in touch with one of our experts. Our team will be happy to help you plan the ideal trip for your pet.

    Know our values

    Our mission is to transport the whole family to anywhere in the world.
    To provide you with complete peace of mind, our focus is on your pet’s safety and comfort from the beginning to the end of the moving process.

    You are our customer and your pet is part of your family. Therefore, we offer a quality, safe and comfortable service, always focused on COMMITMENT, RESPONSIBILITY, EXCELLENCE, TRANSPARENCY and RECEPTION.

    From the moment we are chosen to carry out your move, we have a COMMITMENT with each family member to make that moment as pleasant as possible. We take RESPONSIBILITY for taking care of every detail of your pet’s trip so you don’t have to worry throughout the process. We offer EXCELLENCE in our services, after all, your pet is essential for you and we want to ensure that, whether traveling together or separately, you have the best experience possible. We value TRANSPARENCY and seek to keep each client informed about everything that will happen in advance, as well as the costs involved, so they can get ready and keep them updated throughout each step, so that they can have peace of mind. And all this process involved with all the necessary RECEPTION, after all, safety, comfort and affection for your pet are our priorities.

    Pay with a credit card and earn miles

    We accept the main credit cards. Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Elo, Hipercard. Consult our consultants