Have you ever thought about generating carbon credit for your company with your international move?

It is not new that sustainability is already on the agenda and is part of the daily life of One Moving. We use materials from sustainable sources and permanent recycling processes, and we are always looking to evolve and keep up with what is most innovative in the market. Therefore, thinking of improving even more the experience of consumers of our logistical solutions, we combine the quality of our services with ecolegIT’s value proposition, offering a SUSTAINABLE EXPERIENCE for our customers.

As mobility demands grow, the global environmental impact also increases. Moving processes, whether by land, air, or sea, can generate a large amount of carbon and have an environmental impact.

ecolegIT is a sustainability program that helps us offset the emission of this substance, “returning” part of its resources used by humanity to the environment. Joining forces with ecolegIT, One Moving is the first company in Brazil to provide compensation for CO2 emissions from these movements through responsible forestry projects in developing countries. This “ecological partnership” only reinforces the care, and responsibility for our planet.


ecolegIT is an independent brand, with an “all-in-one” proposal, which consists of a facilitated digital compensation mechanism, creating a structural change.

This is a completely new sustainability program for the global moving and mobility industry, which not only allows you to offset the CO2 emissions generated by your movements, but it also contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals and brings others benefits such as:

  • Local poverty reduction;
  • Assistance in the development and preservation of local biodiversity;
  • Avoids desertification: increases and preserves the amount of different animals and vegetation in the area;
  • And finally, it fights climate change in general.

How does it work in practice?

The program has an intelligent algorithm that calculates the amount of carbon emission from its entire moving process, considering all logistical emissions: from the first transport, departing from its place of origin to the main selected means of transport (air, sea ​​or land), including the use of elevators and even the transport of the handling crew itself.

After this automated calculation, the digital compensation is made easier with the issuance of the official ecolegIT certificate, which is a unique and specific proof that One Moving compensated the environment, returning the amount of CO2 emitted with its move through forestry projects. In other words, the amount of carbon generated because of your logistical process with One Moving, whether moving or storing, is reverted into ecological cashback for your company globally, as a compensation system for the environment.

The certificate is physically distributed once a year, but digitally through the “Portal ecolegIT” at the end of each quarter.

One Moving is proud to be the pioneer in Brazil in this partnership with ecolegIT and to reinforce our commitment to a better world. It is gratifying to be able to offer even more sustainable global mobility solutions to our customers and, together, to take care of our planet.